
As a School Counselor, I play many roles at school. My goal is to promote a positive, safe environment and enhance the academic, career, and social/emotional domains:

  • Individual Counseling

  • Small Group Counseling

  • Classroom SEL Lessons

  • Character Lessons

  • 504 Campus Contact - For the 504 District Coordinator Contact Julie Symanik (jsymanik@trentonisd.org)

  • Crisis Intervention

  • Suicide Prevention

  • Bully Prevention

Kelly Dudley

Elementary School Counselor
Trenton Elementary School
PO Box 5
105 W. Witherspoon
Trenton, TX 75490

(903)-989-2244 ext. 4505
903-989-2415 fax

Request to see the Counselor

Use this form to see the counselor. A student can complete the form as well as a parent/guardian, teacher, principal, or classmate who has concern for a student. The counselor will prioritize and visit with students as schedules allow. If there is an emergency or a student is in danger during school hours, please go to the office or call 903-989-2244 immediately to report it to the principal (ext. 4501) or counselor (ext. 4505)