TISD Parents,

Please make sure you have registered your child or children for the 23-24 school year. All students are required to register and provide the district with proof of residency each year. We have several families that have gone through the registration process but are missing the proof of residency documentation. You can upload this in Parent Portal in your student’s registration or email it to the campus secretary. 

We are cutting off the registration process on Monday, July 10 in order to take an accurate count of which students are missing registration documents. We ask that you register each child in your household that will be attending Trenton ISD during the 23-24 school year by 5 pm on July 10. 

If you have any questions regarding registration, please contact Mrs. Shaw at ashaw@trentonisd.org for assistance. 

School Supplies:

The official TISD school supply lists will be published on Friday, July 14

If your child will be riding a bus this year, we ask that you please complete the Transportation Survey at this link: Transportation Survey The Transportation Survey will close at 5 pm on Friday, July 21. 

Completing this survey will allow us to accurately plan our transportation routes for the upcoming school year. Please complete a survey for each child in your household that will be riding a bus. We will be providing more transportation information in the coming weeks.

Substitutes Needed: 

If you are interested in being a substitute for the 23-24 school year, you may pick up a substitute application at the administration office between the hours of 8 am and 4 pm Monday - Thursday.

All substitutes will be required to go through a mandatory orientation and background check before being allowed to serve as a substitute. The orientation will be on August 1, from 9 - 11 am and it will be held in the Trenton ISD Administration Building. 

Please share the above information with any family or individual that may need it. 


Jeremy Strickland


Trenton ISD